Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Government Shutdown Effecting OUR Education

Recently, the government's decision to shutdown, due to the lack of agreements between the democrats and republicans, may set off a chain of events. Education wise this shutdown may have a lasting effect on collages and public schools depending on how long this issue will be drawn out. One of the main resources the government is to education is the funding they are able to receive through them. The shutdown can harm collage and financial aid programs because they require department personnel, for instance the Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant. The funding educational institutes collect also covers their meal plans which is provided to them through the U.S Department of Agriculture. This federal funding will last through October but who is to say what will happen once this month is up and if the government has not resolved their issues yet? 

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1 comment:

  1. On future blog posts, I would like to see more of your own input.
